Meet the Fam Heads
Alan Servin
4th year, Business Major
Riverside, CA
Hi my names Alan Servin. I’m a 4th year business major from Riverside, California. My pronouns are He/Him. I love spending time with my littles, lion dancing, and playing video games. I love my fam and can’t wait for what this year will bring!
Hi y’all, my name is Edmond Situ and I am a 4th Civil Engineering Major. I am from Alhambra Ca. Some hobbies of mine are to play video games, mahjong, working out, and eating food.
Edmond Situ
4th Year, Civil Engineering Major
Alhambra, CA
Shifu is our new fam. The biggest thing about us is that all the members are all good friends. Shifu is made up of 4 lines who are all very close and spend so much time together. Members of Shifu can look forward to a Winter Retreat, board game nights, and many spontaneous events!
Welcome to Shifu!
We also love to eat so you can catch our lines always going out to eat with one another.
Board Games
As a fam Shifu is very competitive when it comes to board games. Catan, King of Tokyo, Sushi Go, Here to Slay you name it our fam loves to play it.