CSA hosts a variety of fun social events during the fall where you can learn more about Chinese culture and meet new people! See some of our biggest events for the Fall quarter along with some of our past smaller events below.
Ultraman is a friendly Olympics-style competition that takes place between CSA’s many families, with each family represented by a different color theme. Because new CSA members and Littles have not yet been paired with families or Bigs, they are instead temporarily assigned to random families, so that they can become more familiar with their assigned family and the Bigs within it.
Everybody competes in a variety of games throughout the day at the beach, and one family eventually emerges victorious! Ultraman is a great way to get connected with CSA members, both returning and new.

Culture Fest
Culture Fest is an annual celebration of culture at Cal Poly that takes place during Fall quarter. Many of the cultural clubs, including CSA, share a bit of the culture that they each represent with the school in a number of ways.
For CSA, we shared our culture with others through our performing groups and food! Culture Fest featured performances from CSA’s own Lion Dance Team and Take Out Kidz dance group. CSA also sold Chow Mein with egg and Spam add-ons for anyone to purchase and enjoy!

Thanksgiving Banquet
CSA’s Thanksgiving Banquet is a grand potluck that connects newly paired Bigs and Littles after Revealing, meaning that each Big/Little pair signs up to bring a dish that they cook together before the event!
The night is also filled with performances from CSA’s own performing groups: Lion Dance Team and Take Out Kidz dance group. We also have individual performances from members as well! There are also plenty of great photo opportunities for friends, Big/Little pairs, and our CSA families at the event!

Here’s an overview of our 2023 Fall Quarter!
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